Play Competitions

Competitions make the experience more attractive for the casual user -

its more about who you select to your team, not how to win against high multipliers.

You can enter in to a competition if you have specific tier cards in your collections.

You can enter in to multiple competitions at the same time.

If you use a card in one competition you cant use that specific card in another competition.

But if you have multiple cards of the same player of the same tier then you can enter that card in to multiple competitions.

Competitions make the experience more competitive and more exciting for the avid collector - if you have high multiplier cards then this is a good way to show them off.

CompetitionUnlock CriteriaPlayable tiersWho


3 Commons

All cards allowed


Weekly Common

3 Commons

Only Commons


Weekly Rare

3 Rares

Rares or lower


Weekly Legendary

3 Legendarys

Legendarys or lower


Weekly Ultimate

3 Ultimates

Ultimate or lower


Friends League

All players can create

All cards allowed


Last updated