Scoring and rules

Scoring is based on the official statistics of the leagues matches played on the same day.

The scoring is based on the players match overall efficiency (EFF) score

If the players EFF is positive then the Card Tier Multiplier multiplies the EFF score.

eg. player EFF is 15 and I'm using current season Rare card with +5% bonus, then I earn 15 EFF + 5% bonus = 15.75 points

If the players EFF is negative then the Card Tier Multiplier divides the EFF score.

eg. player EFF is -7 and I'm using current season Rare card with +5% bonus, then I earn -7 EFF - 5% bonus = -6.65 points

If the player card is from the last season then the EFF gets a -5% bonus.

eg. player EFF is 15 and I'm using two years old (-10% bonus) Rare card (+5% bonus), then I earn 15 EFF + (-10% bonus + 5% bonus) = 15.75 points

Last updated